Nitecore Digicharger D4 Review

The Nitecore Digicharger D4 is perhaps the best multi-battery charger that Nitecore has released to date!

From left to right; 18650, 18350, 16340, NiMH-AA

The D4 Charges `Em All!

To say that the Digicharger handles all types of batteries is an understatement.

First of all, it’ll charge just about ANY size Lithium-ion you can throw at at. Obviously all the most common sizes are covered; 18650, 16340, 14500, and 18350.

The D4 also handles NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) with ease; AA, AAA and C size.

Of course, the batteries can be mixed to any configuration necessary. The above photo shows four different types of batteries charging simultaneously.

A Long List of Features

As you can see from the list on the right, the D4 has many useful features. Several of these are safety related.

Among the most notable:

  • To accurately identify when the battery has reached its optimum charging voltage.
  • To successfully identify different types and sizes of batteries instantly.
  • Keeps the batteries at a safe temperature during the charge cycle
  • Made from durable flame resistant/fire retardant materials.

Basic Operation

Place anywhere from one to four batteries into the slots, and that’s it! The charger does the rest.

The D4 Keeps You Informed!

The wonderfully large display of the Digicharger D4 is a one-glance information center!

Here’s what happens. As soon as you place a battery in one of the four slots, it begins analyzing its chemical makeup. As long as the battery is safe to charge, and isn’t technically ‘dead’, it will begin the automatic charging cycle. The display will begin toggling between the current voltage of the cell, the amount of current the unit is putting into the battery, and the total time that the cell has been on the charger.

In this photo, all 4 slots are being used at once

The small triangle below slot one indicates that the information displayed is for THAT battery only. To switch the display to another battery, press the yellow “slot” button on the side. The bar graphs indicate the charging status for each battery. The display also reminds you which type of battery is inserted. For this example, it’s a Lithium-ion.

The “Functional Buttons”

The two yellow buttons on the left side of the unit are used for changing mode display and selecting the information on the slots in current use.A rather cool feature can be accessed by pressing and HOLDING the ‘slot’ button (for about 1 second) during a charge. Doing so will cut the brightness of the display back-light. This is mainly intended for overnight charging, whereby the display is dimmed so as not to disturb anyone’s slumber. Very thoughtful.

For charging in a vehicle, a DC port is located on the AC-plug side of the unit. Some merchants will include the adapter. Some will not.

Know Your Charging Current

With the Digicharger, unlike some other brands, there’s no way to select how much current is fed into the batteries. I imagine it’s for safety reasons that Nitecore decided to have this process automated.

Here’s how it works. With up to two batteries inserted into the slots, the unit will feed 750 mAh into them. With three or four batteries inserted, the unit will feed the cells a constant current of 350 mAh. In some chargers, the slots that you select, will determine the current.

I tried an experiment with the D4. I inserted a battery in slot 1 and another in slot 4. In this configuration, BOTH were fed 350 mAh! I then switched them to be side by side, and viola ~ both got the full 750 again. It’s of no particular consequence or concern, that a lower current is used when charging 3 or more batteries. It just means that the overall cycle will take longer. In theory, smaller amounts of current are often better for batteries and can extend their lives. At least with a lower current, there’s less of a chance of the cells getting too warm.

Fully Charged

When the charging cycle is complete, all five status bars will be solid, and the display will give you the ‘fully charged’ message. In the example here, two batteries were being charged and both were complete. If you press the mode switch while in this state, you’ll see the total time it took for the cycle to complete, and the current voltage of the battery.

My Recommendation

If you’re in need of a charger that tackles both Lithium-ion and NiMH batteries, I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending the Nitecore Digicharger D4. With the large display, it’s way ahead of their previous Intellicharger I4 model.

Now tell me…how did I do on this review? Do you think the D4 would be useful to you?

Please add any questions or comments in the spaces provided.

If from reading my review of the Nitecore Digicharger D4 has caused you to be bitten by the shopping bug, then your invitation to visit their product page is only a click away!

BR Wilkie

View Comments

  • What a thorough review...thank you! I do think a D4 charger might be useful in light of recent events. I had a battery "explode" in a plastic container with my stash of batteries, should I throw the whole darn thing away or is it possible to somehow "clean-off" the good batteries?

    • Glad you enjoyed the review! An exploding battery is certain to ruin your day! I'd be curious to know the circumstances that caused the incident. Without seeing what the damage was, it's hard to advise you. But if the other cells are okay, outside of being caught in the fallout of the exploding cell, I imagine they'd only need to be cleaned up a bit. Be careful though!

  • I never even knew this existed, but have often wanted a charger with its capabilities. Thank you!


  • Hi, and thank's for the review. I'm a photographer and thought I could use this, but my knowledge os electricity is close to none. so, here goes my questions:
    Does it recovers old batteries?
    how long in general will it take to charge 4x2600mA AA batteries?
    In the photographer comunity the Lacrosse BC-700 and BC-1000 are very well reviewd as well as the quick charger Maha MH-C800S or MH-C801D.

    thanks in advance

    • Thanks for the inquiry Pedro. I'm quite familiar with the LaCrosse and Maha chargers, and although those are great for "refreshing" old cells...the Digicharger does not have that specific function. It will charge old batteries, but does not have a "refresh" or "test" feature. The time it would take to charge 4 AA cells is hard to say exactly. With all 4 bays in use, it will charge at 350 mA. If they're at very low voltage, this would translate into several hours at least.

      Hope my answer served its purpose.

    • Thanks for asking...but no. From my knowledge, features that allow you to test, refresh and discharge your cells, are only available on units that ONLY charge NiMH batteries. Because the Digicharger accepts both Lithium-ion and NiMH, you won't have access to a discharge cycle. There is no need to manually discharge a lithium cell.

  • Thanks for your detailed review.
    I have a Digicharger D4 and it's noticable smelling (like burn smell) during charging the batteries.
    Is it normal for battery chargers?

    • This is absolutely not normal!! What type of batteries are being charged? NiMH, Li-ion or both? What brand are the batteries? What sort of capacities do they have? Do the batteries get physically hot when charging?

    • Mine is doing the same thing with sony vtc4 did yours continue to do this or was it only on the first charge thank you

    • The D4 charges NiMH batteries regardless of capacity. But I think those might be fake. Companies that produce low cost, generic batteries, can put any capacity on the label they want, and it doesn't matter if the claim is true or false. To know for sure I would need to see a link to where they're being sold.

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