Category: Over 1000 Lumens
Olight M2R PRO Warrior Tactical Flashlight Review

The warrior strikes again! Some time ago, I reviewed the M2R Warrior flashlight. As in standard Olight tradition, they like doing upgrades on previous good sellers. So in this review, I’m taking an unbiased look at the Olight M2R PRO Warrior, tactical flashlight. Impressive Accessories As with all Olight flashlights,…
Lumintop EDC18 Super Lumen Flashlight Review
Convoy M3 XHP-70 LED Flashlight Overview
Lumintop FW3A 2800 lumen Smart Flashlight Review
Sofirn SP36. Programmable USB Rechargeable Flashlight

Working in conjunction with Budget Light Forum, the Sofirn SP36, is an incredibly bright, user-defined flashlight which features NarsilM, V1.2 firmware, which can be configured to the user’s personal preferences. How does that work you might ask? Read on! Flashlight and Accessories I didn’t include the box in the photo,…
Folomov 26650S 2000 lumen Compact Flashlight Review
Astrolux FT03 High Power Rechargeable Flashlight
Sofirn C8F Programmable LED Flashlight Review

Today’s review is for the Sofirn C8F. The C8 model has been reincarnated a few times across different manufacturers. This version from Sofirn definitely adds some uniqueness to the line. The Sofirn Accessories A low profile recycled brown box contains the C8F and a myriad of accessories. This includes a…